Fuller Long have been successful in gaining planning permission for the erection of 3 detached houses on vacant and unused land in Leeds. These houses were proposed in addition to a terrace of three houses that were already under construction on the backland site.

Prior to approaching Fuller Long for assistance, our client previously had several planning applications for the site refused and an appeal dismissed. Whilst residential development was acceptable in principle, planning permission was refused due to the issue of highway safety and inadequate access to the properties.

The principle of the proposed residential development on the site was established by the granting of planning permission for a terrace of three houses on an adjoining site to the south. The land was well within the defined development limits and formed something of an unused area to the rear of the premises. Given the historical use of the buildings fronting the road and the mix of residential and commercial uses, the site was considered to comprise previously developed land that is within a sustainable area.

The NPPF advises Councils to make the best and most efficient use of land, which is clearly a finite resource. Given that there were seemingly no other viable uses for the site and its location within a broadly residential area, we were able to argue that the application was acceptable.

Fuller Long were able to demonstrate in our planning statement that the proposed new houses would be entirely compatible within the existing area and would have no adverse impacts upon issues of acknowledged importance, such as highways safety and the free flow of traffic. The proposal was designed as a modest courtyard development that would be entirely fitting for the area and  would make efficient use of an otherwise underused site.

The houses were designed to be in keeping with those that were being built on the adjacent land, as well as the older houses nearby. The design, massing and materials were all in keeping with these other properties. This meant that the proposals put forward by Fuller Long would have no adverse impacts upon matters of design and visual amenity from a public perspective. The proposals met with the requirements of the Core Strategy and Development Policies Documents and the Residential Design Guide and were therefore acceptable in that respect.

The scale and location of the development and site would be such that it would have no adverse impacts upon visual amenity. Indeed, it would provide a high quality compact development of houses that would be beneficial to local character.

In light of our submissions, the Council were able to conclude that the development would have no harmful impacts and represented sustainable economic development as defined and promoted in the NPPF. They were therefore in a position to grant planning permission, and building works have been completed.

If you would like help with submitting a planning application, Fuller Long can be of assistance. Our consultants are experts in the field and have had considerable success over the years. Call 0808 164 1288 or email hello@fullerlong.com to speak with one of our Consultants today.