Application Type: Planning permission
Development Description: New charging hubs constructed at five different locations in Cherwell
Local Authorities/Councils: Cherwell District Council

Electric vehicle charging facilities are rapidly becoming an essential part of daily life, especially now the UK government has committed to phasing out the sale of new petrol and diesel cars by 2030. At Fuller Long, we’ve been working alongside smart electronics company EZ-Charge to assist in creating new electric vehicle charging hubs in the district of Cherwell. 

Whilst the construction of the charging points within most areas can be achieved under permitted development, there are some circumstances where an application is required; for instance, when historic buildings are involved. On this occasion, Cherwell District Council considered that an application was needed to install the control infrastructure. Therefore, our team were tasked with gaining planning permission for the new units. 

One of the critical issues with the submissions related to the need to address the potential risk of flooding, as electricity and water don’t mix well. It was essential to show that the designated locations and design would combine to safeguard the development from flooding for the foreseeable future. Two of the sites, in particular, were located in flood zones. Our planning team demonstrated that the new equipment would be safe in the event of a flood and would also not interfere with the natural drainage in the area. 

Given all five of the applications were proposed on Council owned car parks, they had to be determined by the planning committee rather than officers.  Officers recommended approval, and the committee ultimately decided to grant planning permission. These charging hubs are now under construction, with one already being operational!

Having access to electric charging units is crucial for the future of sustainable transport. If you own an electric vehicle, most charging points can be installed at your home without the need for formal planning consent; however, some conservation areas and listed buildings will require permission. To find out more about the policies surrounding listed buildings and electric vehicle charging stations go here:

If you are considering an energy and sustainability lead project like electric car charging units, solar panels or battery installations, Fuller Long has the knowledge and expertise to assist you. To speak with one of our experienced team of consultants, please call us on 0808 164 1288 or email us at

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