Planning AppealsIf you have had a planning application refused by the local authority, we can help you submit a planning appeal to the Planning Inspectorate. We act for clients on all types of appeals including householder and written appeals, hearings and public inquiries.

We will first look into your options and the likelihood of success prior to advising to take the decision to appeal. Should the decision be taken to appeal, we will work to present a case that has been researched thoroughly and draws upon all our knowledge of the planning system.

Home Owner Appeals
The applicant always has a right to appeal following the receipt of a refusal. A householder appeal has to be instigated within 12 weeks of the formal refusal, which means we need to work quickly. This is the time to present our case to the inspectorate providing evidence, additional information and justification to give sufficient weight to overturn the Council’s planning decision.

Written Representations
This system is used for non-householder planning applications. While the process is similar to a homeowner appeal, the individual case is presented in a different manner. First requiring the grounds of appeal to be submitted along with further justification and information at a later stage. The complexity of the issues involved then require a further rebuttal stage before a site visit and final decision is made.

Planning Hearing
A Planning Hearing is required where the specific issues need to be explored through a round table discussion between the inspector and the appellant, council and third parties. This process is only necessary in more complex cases that require dialogue. The process is very similar to the written representation method of appeal, however a hearing is scheduled the day of the site visit.

Public Inquiries
Public Inquiries are the most complex form of planning appeal and are similar in character to a court of law. This process is only used for applications where challenging issues arise and normally involves the instruction of planning barristers who will cross examine expert witnesses representing the Council, the appellant and third parties following the exchange of a number of detailed statements.