Fuller Long have successfully won a householder Planning Appeal in the Green Belt located near East Horsley, KT24.

Fuller Long drafted and submitted a Householder Appeal on behalf of our client following Guildford Borough Council’s refusal on the grounds that no special circumstances had been demonstrated to outweigh the inherent harm on the Green Belt that the ‘disproportionate’ extension would bring. As such, the extension was classified as an inappropriate development in the Green Belt and was deemed to fail to align with policies H9 and RE2 of the Guildford Borough Local Plan.

Within the appeal statement, it was argued that the extension was carefully designed to match the existing building, as a result it wouldn’t negatively affect the visual or openness of the Green Belt area. Special circumstances were also highlighted in the form of the fallback position in respect to permitted development rights which we noted had been taken into account for other extensions in the borough.

Finally, the agreement to attach a condition to planning permission within the appeal statement sought  to remove the right to increase the extension size under permitted development. This achieved one of the fundamental aims of the NPPF, namely good design through a better planned and well integrated extension whilst simultaneously reducing the impact on the openness of the Green Belt, another component of sustainable development.

As such, the proposal provided positive attributes for all three elements of sustainable development. The very special circumstances for both parts of the proposal also provided strong support in favour of the proposed development, clearly outweighing the harm arising from the inappropriateness of the development. In doing so, Fuller Long were able to win the Planning Appeal for our client who was able to commence work on the extension and garage.

If you have been refused planning permission and would like to seek assistance in submitting an appeal, Fuller Long can be of assistance. Our consultants are experts in submitting planning appeals and have had considerable success over the years. Call 0845 565 0281 or email hello@fullerlong.com to speak with one of our Consultants today.