Fuller Long are proud to announce that we’ve been working closely with Lewisham Homes to create a brand new development comprising of social rented and affordable homes. Lewisham Homes act on behalf of Lewisham Council as part of a defined strategy to deliver much needed affordable housing, and approached our team to help them achieve this goal.

During 2012, the Council launched its New Homes, Better Places programme to deliver 2,000 new affordable homes for local residents, including 500 new Council homes to be available for social renters. Lewisham Homes was established to deliver housing in the borough and to support the strategic priorities within its Housing Strategy 2009-14.

The proposed development required the demolition of garages and removal of an area of hard standing used for car parking, in order to allow for the construction of 17 new dwellings and associated amenities and sought to optimise the development potential of the site whilst still maintaining the established character of the surrounding area.

Our Consultants were asked to help from the very beginning of the project to progress the scheme from inception through to planning permission. Our involvement, from the very earliest stages of a project allows us to identify potential problems and provide strategies to help our clients achieve their goals. For more significant schemes, the pre-application process with the Local Planning Authority  is a very valuable tool. It allows for open discussion with the Council’s Planning Officers.

The nature of the project required the elected members to review the scheme through their monthly  planning committee. The scheme was presented and we are pleased to say carried to an approval. Our planning consultants managed to influence the development with a compelling case which, in addition to the feedback received during the pre-application phase helped our clients case.

The application proposed a total of 17 new quality homes providing 100% as social rented affordable dwellings, significantly exceeding the requirement set out in Policy CSP1 of the adopted Core Strategy and DM Policy 7.

The Council considered that there would be no impact on neighbouring properties in terms of internal amenity, outlook, light and privacy. They determined that future residents would enjoy high standards of living and as such were happy to grant permission. Work is due to start on this scheme in the coming months.

Should you work for a house builder or local authority housing association, Fuller Long have over 200 years of experience of helping deliver housing, retail and commercial schemes. Call 0845 565 0281 or email hello@fullerlong.com to speak with one of our Consultants today.