With our in-house heritage specialists, FullerLong possess the expertise to gain approval for all of your listed building and conservation area planning applications.

In Windlesham, Surrey, a client wanted to demolish and replace a substantial house (1100m2 floor area) which sat within the Green Belt. The house was also a locally listed building.

Being locally listed, the building’s heritage value is given a raised level of protection by the local authority. There was also the possibility of Roman-age deposits, potential flooding risks and protected species on site, so gaining planning permission for the demolition of the house and redevelopment was to be a challenge!

The key to securing planning consent was the ability to demonstrate that all matters had been properly considered and that the resulting loss of the listed building was to be minimal and justifiable in light of the benefits of the new development.

This was achieved through FullerLong’s full project management, which included:

  • working closely with the appointed design team from the project’s initiation and sourcing and managing external experts in archaeology, flood risk and ecology.
  • a Heritage Assessment by our in-house team. The Assessment concluded that the existing building lacked the quality and interest to justify its inclusion on the local list due to extensions and alterations not in accordance with original character. Therefore, there would be no harm from the loss of this building.
  • Whilst a significantly different form, the proposal represented a slight reduction in floor area and footprint compared to the original building and no increase in units. This is compliant with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), which is a key policy document in planning decision making. The proposal was also on previously developed land, again supported by the NPPF’s presumption in favour of sustainable development.

With the weight of the NPPF and our heritage experts demonstrating there would be no unreasonable impact from the loss of the locally listed building, FullerLong were able to gain approval within the statutory 8 week period!

If you wish to discuss your listed building or conservation area application with one of our planning consultants please contact us on 0845 565 0281 for a no obligation conversation.