Mr. Keeling

home-ownersConsultants Case Review

Mr. Keeling approached us through carrying out an internet search for planning professionals. We started with a full review of his case which allowed us to quickly get an idea of the different factors and limitations involved in this case. It was beneficial for the case to be examined from a fresh perspective and we soon identified the key issues involved. It was quickly apparent that the Local Planning Authority and his architect had made numerous mistakes. This had resulted in an approved planning permission with plans that did not correspond with each other and therefore a family home that, once built out, was not authorised. This was of course a very stressful situation for all involved.

A retrospective application had been submitted whereby the Local Planning Authority and our client were looking to regularise what was built out. However, it seemed that there were concerns relating to the development in light of the Council’s interpretation of their planning policy.

At the outset we met with the client and reviewed all the submitted plans and formed the foundations of a planning appeal to the Secretary of State. Through the written representations appeal process we managed to prove that our client’s home did indeed meet the Council’s Planning Policy requirements and as such we managed to secure retrospective planning consent.


“Ryan is a professional, trusted expert for me that has delivered strong results and on budget. His network, advice and follow through are attributes I’d recommend to anyone needing support with their project”.

Mr. Dean Keeling, 27 March 2012