Fuller Long have recently won two householder appeals in Elmbridge for two storey side extensions. In both cases we were contacted following the recent refusal of planning permission for a revised scheme after the initial applications had also been refused consent.

One appeal for a two storey extension on a prominent corner along Hurst Road, West Molesey (Council reference 2016/0772 and appeal reference APP/K3605/D/16/3156028) was successful because the design reflected the architectural style of the property and it was made to appear subservient.  This was despite the concerns of the Council that the extension would appear highly visible and over-dominant in the streetscene and detract from both the appearance of the house and the character of the street.  A persuasive argument supported by the Council’s own policies and design guidance resulted in the Appeal Inspector concluding the extension complemented the house and the wider area.

A second appeal for a two storey side extension at Summer Gardens, East Molesey (Council Reference 2016/2403 and Appeal reference APP/K3605/D/17/3167221) was allowed by the Appeal Inspector because the design was in keeping with the house.  The Council had refused planning permission because the extension would imbalance the appearance of a pair of semi-detached properties.  The argument in support of the extension was based on the extension being well set back from the front elevation of the house and appearing as a subordinate addition to it.  This justification is even supported by the Council’s Home Extensions Companion Guide.  The Appeal Inspector agreed with us, finding that the extension would blend in well with the appearance of the house and therefore concluded that there were compelling grounds to allow the permission to be granted.

Fuller Long Consultant Richard Turnbull said “these decisions prove how a well designed proposal that reflects the design guidance of Elmbridge Borough Council can complement the character and appearance of the surrounding area.”

If you have been refused planning permission and would like to discuss appealing the decision, please contact us on 0845 565 0281 for a no-obligation conversation with one of our experienced team of consultants today.