Fuller Long have won planning permission for a new scheme in Sittingbourne, ME10 between Snipeshill and Murston on behalf of our clients AmicusHorizon and Gibberd Architects. Planning permission was granted for the demolition of a pre-existing housing complex and the building of a brand new housing scheme offering 40 affordable family sized properties.

Originally, Ceres Court consisted of 78 flats across three 4 storey traditional blocks.  This included a mix of bedsits, 1 bedroom flats and 3 bedroom maisonettes. The proposal submitted by Fuller Long on behalf of our client proposed the demolition of these existing properties, and the creation of 40 new homes, providing 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms. These houses would be 100% affordable with 75% affordable rent and 25% shared ownership. This would meet the overriding objectives and policies contained within both the NPPF and section 7 of the emerging local plan, particularly with regards to delivering a wide choice of high quality homes to create a balanced community.

All the homes included in the scheme were also designed to meet lifetime homes standards and would provide a significantly improved standard of accommodation and safety for future occupiers than was available previously, thus, meeting and exceeding policy requirements.

As part of our submission, the inclusion of an Energy Statement, Highways and Biodiversity assessments gave insight into the wider impacts of the proposed development, providing the council with the confidence to grant permission for the scheme.

To further aid the success of the application, Fuller Long conducted a public consultation exercise with Swale Borough Council to gain approval and identify the housing need in the area. These conversations helped to establish the scope of the development and the number and types of dwelling needed for the community. A communication and consultation strategy was also implemented which prioritised existing residents to ensure they got a suitable and often, more suitable, alternative homes. The response from this consultation also indicated that existing residents were supportive of the new scheme.

By putting a strong and well supported statement forward, Fuller Long were able to gain planning permission for our clients, for which works are forthcoming.

Should you work for a house builder or local authority housing association, Fuller Long have over 200 years of experience of helping deliver housing, retail and commercial schemes. Call 0845 565 0281 or email hello@fullerlong.com to speak with one of our Consultants today.