Our client approached us after being refused planning permission for an extension to an existing development of flats in an inner London Borough.  Their planning application had been refused for four reasons, one of which was the Council’s concerns about lack of on-street car parking.

After reviewing the information submitted with the application our highways specialist was able to determine a strategy to use in submitting an Appeal using a combination of site specific information, 2011 Census data and policy material from the London Plan.  Our client was happy with the proposed strategy and evidence was submitted to support an Appeal.

A Government Planning Inspector was appointed who upheld the Appeal and granted our client planning permission.  In his formal Decision the Inspector stated that “The Council does not dispute the appellant’s report…” and found “…from the evidence before me” that there would be no significant impact in relation to on-street parking from our clients proposals.

As a result of the information we provided in to the Appeal, the Inspector also concluded that “I find no conflict in this regard with the traffic and parking aims of policies TRN3 and TRN23…” which relate to traffic impact and car parking requirement respectively.

To discuss an appeal with one of our experienced team of consultants please contact us on 0845 565 0281 for a no obligation conversation.